black bird pie
Diaryland has been messing with people lately. Deleting entries, ect., so I thought I would post the entry I wrote today in this blog as well...just incase it gets lost.
Several times a year a huge lot of black birds will fly into several of the trees alongside the road. They are all chirping like there is no tomorrow. I am sitting in the house, hearing all of this high pitched commotion. It sounds like I'm sitting in the Amazon or something. I like birds and all, but something about birds in numbers surrounding my house is frightening.
I remember last spring or fall I was going to go for a walk. There was a fork in a road. Down one way was a million chirping birds. The leafless trees swung back and forth with the thousands of bodies of little birds. The "leaves" of the trees were the black birds themselves. I thought. I'm big. I'm a human. (I much prefered this route). I can take them. But then I pictured all of the birds flying down and landing on me and chirping: HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT OUR CHIRPING FEST. Or whatever. I really was scared of all of those birds and where they might fly, and, more importantly, where they would land. Also: What kind of mood were they in? Attack mode? Happy not-a-care-in-the-world mode? So I opted with direction number two. I let birds control which way I was going to walk. It's hard to admit sometimes.
What else is scary is how a couple hundred would just fly up and away to another tree all at the SAME time in the same LOOPING kind of direction. It was fascinating, yet they dominate.
Last night John and I sat and planned for our meeting today with the mortgage broker. We had to come up with a list of all of our loans, residential/rent history, and an official selling price for our house. I thought back to that time I had to go to the unemployment place and how I got everything prepared and felt so confident. So I typed up everything John and I talked about into nice professional looking documents. John also was a saviour and found the House folder. That included all of the papers we signed when we bought the place, electrical and roofing cost quotes, room measurements, years and dates of the furnace, ect., proof that the septic is o.k., the water is safe...and so forth. Yay! Dave has been asking for that for some time now, so it's a good thing John found that. I would have felt like a complete dumbass at the meeting if they were asking for it, and we were like, "duuhh awww yaaa we couldn't find that yet..."
OH THESE people REALLY want to sell their house!
(That's what they would be thinking).
I also found some pictures of the house before we started taking out carpeting and linolium and wallpaper and stuff...I thought Dave would want to see that. I know I would DIE to see pictures of this house previous to our owning of it.
WELL, Since we have to leave at 1:00 to go to St.Paul for our meeting, that means I have to get going on my work. Depending on the time we finish the meeting, John and I might puruse the Cities for awhile.
A higher power must have recognized this meeting, because they only gave me ONE package of work. Usually I get two. Hopefully this means it is meant to be.
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