The Alternative Mellie-Emo

Everyone has a flip-side...

Sunday, March 20, 2005

cut off

Yesterday was a lot of fun! John & I were just going to stay home and bake stuff, but we decided to go out and have some fun instead. The first stop was to get my hair cut. I know, I could I possibly get my hair cut? It was pretty short to begin with. Let's just say I got it all cut off!

I had super short hair when we got married, and, since then, I've tried to have the cut mimiced by other hair cutters, but no one could match up (not even the same lady who did my haircut during the wedding-era). So I was pretty scared to get it done. I think the girl who did it this time cut it the best it has ever been (this short, anyway). She asked what made me deside to get my hair cut. I must have sounded pretty nutty when I told her I just didn't to deal with it anymore. It's the truth! I much rather have a cute fluffy short haircut than the crispy choppy uneven "short" cut I had been giving myself for oh so long. I felt a lot more confindent, too. We went to this "punk rock pizza place" :) ((it's not so punk-rock as it used to be, I hear....from my source - John, who used to be quite known in the punk-rock scene)). I swear, they have the BEST pizza EVER! The workers are SO cool, too. The guys have big beards and thick black glasses and ear plugs and messy hair. It's pretty cool to go there.

Once we took my parents there for my bday dinner. I think my dad was scared and worried when we first walked into the parlor. He used to think I was nuts when I wanted to be like the kids in orchestra and jazz band and he'd see a real "different" one and just chuckle. John and I go to these coffee shops out of town a lot, as well. They are always dark and "underground" (ha) and my dad refers to them as "dungeon restraunts." It's pretty funny. All in all I KNOW he's just kidding; I think he's proud of what we do and where we go. At least it's not dangerous and stuff. But anyway, yeah, when we took them there he just got this blank look of concern on his, "where'd they bring us now???" Hahaha....turns out once we sat down, he just had a look of fascination and glory. So did my mom. My mom's more open to that sort of stuff though. WHen I used to live at home, like during high school, my mom and I -- ever Saturday -- would go on a dinner date to a "dungeon restraunt." We used to have the same routine. It was cute. We'd walk around the down. We had "code names" for some people (because they usually had one general charteristic that made them stand out - that charateristic usually became part or all of their "code names." The names probably had a lot to do with the fact that we really didn't know their real names). I miss my mommy! :( I miss my daddy, too! It's so tough to live 6 hours away from them!

But anways, I'm getting off subject. I felt very confident at the pizza place with my new haircut. I had the girl at the salon rinse out my hair so I could go around the rest of the night without being itchy and full of hair. So my hair was still wet and really spikey and messy looking. It awesome to feel so much air going around my neck and chin and stuff. I could even hear better. LOL. They only sad thing is that I can't wear my hip little knit hat with the teal flower because it would hide all of my hair. I would look pretty funny.

After pizza, we went to our favorite hot spots, including the CD place where we accidentally bought THREE cds. AHH! THat's ok. Good music needs no excuses. We bought an album by a group called "TheMountainGoats." They kind of remind me of an accousic-er Weakerthans. Ya! :) Then..oh yeah, we got an EP by a guy named MattPond. He had a full-length cd in the EMO section, but I never heard anything about him, so I thought Id play it safe with just an EP to start. I like it a lot! I didnt realize about 1/2 of the songs were covers, but they cover "WINTERLONG" by Neil Young, and I just adore that song and Neil Young is just a god and a legend to me. The third cd we bought was a used Pavement CD. Mr. John used to be a HUGE Pavement fan, but he didn't own any of their CDs because he always borrowed them from friends. Now that he really doesn't talk to those friends that much anymore, he was Pavement-less. I've been a fan of S.Malkmus for some time now, but never heard any Pavement. That was a treat for me, for us.

Anyway, lot of babbling, isn't there? Oh whatever. Today at 4, our best house-buying friend is coming over to start us with paperwork.

Here is a rather scary picture of me with the haircut. I took a shower at midnight to get any stray hairs off (that the girl might have missed), so I woke up with pop-up hair. This is from this morning, right after I woke up. So the hair isn't the best, and I look kind of odd in pajamas...

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Next is a picture of john eating captncrunch cereal this a.m. He wasnt in a good mood because I kept taking pictures and he just wanted to eat and clean and get stuff ready for our friend this aft.

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Next is my little baby puppy. She LOVES the camera. She should be a model for some dog catelog or something.

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