The Alternative Mellie-Emo

Everyone has a flip-side...

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

keeping my fingers crossed

The interview went well (I hope)! They said they should know by the end of the week and might hire for two positions. I think I said all the right things, and most of the good things I had been working up in my head the last couple of days, I got to use.


In high school, I knew I wanted to study music, so I mostly concentrated on that. But I really liked chemistry and ecology, and if I hadn't been so set on music, those were a close second.


Am I planning on going back to school some day? Well, last time I interviewed, so and so had mentioned that she sees a lot of people going into the lab and discovering they really like what they do, which, in turn, they decide to go back to school part time to study food science, ect., so hopefully that might be something that could happen for me.

Oh, and also...

Lately I haven't been very happy with what I've been doing. I just never pictured myself working PT at a coffee shop, and, if I were to get this job, I would feel that I had something to work hard at and be dedicated to once again. It's a very important job, and that would drive me to work very hard in addition to feeling good about what I was doing.

Of course all of these things are true! All of us know that.

They said I seemed very smart, and that was a very nice compliment. :-) It's nice to know that people you've just met can pick up on stuff you yourself can't even sometimes acknowledge.

The subaru is so cool and fun to drive. Last night I drove John and I to a boat landing on the river, and it felt very commericially to be driving down a dirt hill to a landing....near the river. I will take pictures later on, for John has the Subaru right now. He officially started HIS new job. I feel kinda guilty because I have so many secrets from my parents.....John's new job, me quitting my data entry job, and now the new car! I just know they would be very nervous and upset if they knew these major details.

We talked to Dave, and it sounds like he is in a hurry for us to move out (I don't blame him, I want to move out, too!) So John and I will probably be very busy this week. They didn't get Sammie's fence done yet, but Dave said he'd flip the bill for a 6 ft kennel (for temporary purposes), so yeah, he must really want us to move! :) I bet he's just itching to get inside the house to work.


At 2:32 PM, Blogger Jules said...

Wait a second....John has a new job too? I didn't know that, either! Unless I did and now I'm just confused because I already knew. Oh jeez. Anyway, I hope he likes his new job!


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