The Alternative Mellie-Emo

Everyone has a flip-side...

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


I don't think I've ever been so impatient for spring to arrive. This has to be the gloomiest February-March I've ever seen. April better bring on some green changes, or else! I don't know how much more of it I can take. It is so cloudy and gloomy and yellow-brown out there. Here are a couple reasons why I am looking forward to the arrival of Spring.

#1. John and I together, doing things. Days will last longer. Weather will be warmer. It wouldn't feel natural to be anywhere else other than outside, together:

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#2. New Life. Not only will there be new buds of leaves everywhere, but the grass will turn a magnificant green as well. The skies will be blue, and new birds and animals will be born. Here is a kitten (named Regina) from our cat Smokey's litter (last Spring). She just had a new batch yesterday, so I'm hoping this will be a sign brighter and warmer things are on their way.

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#3. Sprouts of green EVERYWHERE!

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#4. John's birthday! I can't wait to help him celebrate again this year. :) Pictured below is no one other than myself last April, making John his birthday cake!

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#5. Even though we won't be getting chicks this spring, I still hold this memory deaer to my heart. Before last spring, I never had the experience of an early morning phone call from the post office saying: "we have a delivery of chicks for you, ready to pick up!" I was so excited as I held the box of cheeping little lives on our drive home. It was so fun to watch them grow!

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Here is another picture of one of our black chickens, as a baby.

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Hurry up, Spring! Please!


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