The Alternative Mellie-Emo

Everyone has a flip-side...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

this is gross

I hate this time of year. It's going to rain soon, and the air is very heavy and warm but cool. This uninvited draft comes right into the house through cracks in the door and windows and makes the house very damp and icky. There's a magnificant breeze, so I opened the kitchen window with hopes of it circulating some fresh air inside. I also have the ceiling fan going. I don't know if any of this is helping. I also vacuumed a bunch of dead lady bugs, which made a terrible smell. It wasn't the usual lady-bug smell either. It was a very herb-y I don't know. That was nasty. So now downstairs smells like whatever that was. I've got a candle going and fans and stuff, but the air is still so dead and warm and damp. I showered, and I don't even feel very clean anymore. I can't wait until we are in a new house with new everything so hardly any outside air can come in, unless we INVITE it by putting a window ajar. I wish moving day was right NOW! And I really don't want to do any more work either! I suppose I should do it though...I want to be finished by the time John gets home from work. At this rate, that isn't going to happen. BLAH! ICKY WEATHER, I HATE YOU!


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