The Alternative Mellie-Emo

Everyone has a flip-side...

Friday, March 25, 2005


I stepped on a green crunch berry. I heard it grate down underneath my foot into our wool area rug. I stepped away in horror and looked at the green dust of what used to be a berry. I didn't know what it was right away, so I said: "what the hell...?" Was it some kind of strange insect? A bud of a plant? What scary thing could have turned up in our house now. It was only a crunch berry! I chuckled to myself and cleaned it up.

I am searching for a new template for my diaryland diary. I have been doing so for almost 3 hours now. Sickening. I know. My rump was getting sore, sitting on the wooden chair as I always do. So I went to "sit" on my knees on the carpet. Oh, I suppose that would be called "knealing" or however it is spelled.

I am a terrible speller. Once, in 7th grade during our class spelling bee, I spelled "MUSHROOM" wrong.

Anyway, as I was shifting positions, I kicked over my glass of water onto the same "crunch berry" rug. Water spilled everywhere.

Because we are, well, environmentally conscious, we do not have napkins nor paper towels. I thought there might be some from Subway somewhere, but no luck.

I just think it's funny that I spilled stuff so much today. And I've been in the same place since I woke up: at the computer.

Also, John and I used to spill kool-aid every night when we lived in our apartment. It was pretty funny.

I have news about what happened yesterday [good news], but that can wait. I wanted to write about crunch berries and water and napkins.


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