The Alternative Mellie-Emo

Everyone has a flip-side...

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

car pictures

We just got back from our new house. We dropped off a good dozen boxes of our belongings. It was a nice feeling! It would be a good thing if we did the same thing each night this week. Less to do in the end.

So! Here are some pictures of our new car!

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I was wrong about the milliage - it's actually 52,000 some odd miles. Even better. :)

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I would write more, but our frozen pizza is done cooking. It's late enough (in dinner time hours), so I will write more tomorrow.


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Megan The Great said...

Good find with the car, I'm slightly jealous!

At 6:50 AM, Blogger Jules said...

So are you guys going to fight over who gets to drive the new cool car? I know I would. :) It looks great!


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