The Alternative Mellie-Emo

Everyone has a flip-side...

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Nothing to do

There's nothing to do on Blogger!
I'm at a loss for words!
Not really, 'cuz I'm so out of practice...
I guess I should go out and steal some birds!

How did you like my little song? It's Saturday, and I'm so so so so so happy! Even though it was a short week (I had Monday off), it was the most stressful week EVER! But I did it, and it's over! This weekend isn't going to be all fun and games, though. We STILL have moving to do. Although we are actually residing in our new house, we still have to get our stuff the hell out of our old one.

We still have to bring Sammie here, too.

Since all of my talk is the same old thing, i'll talk about something new. Smokey had a new litter of kittens, about a month ago. There are three of them, and they are as healthy as can be. One is solid black, one is white with grey ears, and one is black with big brown splotches. I want ALL of them, but yet I don't want them terrorizing the house. But I don't want to leave them out there, too. The new owner's daughter says she'll take care of them, and, up until last night I was okay with that.

But then John called me out from our old kitchen. A little black kitty was RUNNING around the driveway, following Smokey, mewing happily. It was pretty dark outside, but the lights from the house lit up the driveway just enough to see the little black kitten. When I picked him up, I looked into his beaty-round eyes. "You look like a little bear," I told him. And that's when his name was born: Cub.

I want Cub! I want Cub SOOO badly! But then what about the little brown one and the white one? How can I just take one? The brown and black one was always my favorite, but Cub was SO adorable last night! Awww!


At 10:27 AM, Blogger Jules said...

Ship the other kittens to me!! I want a kitten and they sound so cute. Good luck moving your stuff this weekend.


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