The Alternative Mellie-Emo

Everyone has a flip-side...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

my life's on repeat

I have to go work really soon. I thought writing a nice little entry before I head off would be a good way to end the freedom of staying home. Yesterday was such a long day! Marc had asked me if I could come in a little early since we were so back-logged on testing a certain product they wanted to ship. How about 8:00? Sounded great to me....8-4, a nice little break from these nights of getting home at 6:15, sometimes later. So, yesterday I got out of bed at 6:30, showered up, ate some breakfast, and went to work early, the dew splattered all over the car, the air crisp to the point of needing to wear a sweatshirt.

I didn't mind. I miss my winter clothes.

Work went well; tests were done. At 2, I looked at the clock and thought: "Two more hours! If I was leaving at my normal time, I would still have 3 1/2 hours minimum!" Then i started to wonder...Marc never did tell me if I could leave at 4. So I asked him, and of course it was "why don't you stay til 5:30." Noooo! Of course I didn't say that. Really, what is an extra hour-30 minutes. ($15 extra, that's what!) :-)

So I stayed and washed crucibles and performed some more tests and left red-faced and tired. I went to bed at 9:20, and here I am....already having to go back to work! I can't wait for the weekend.

There is so much that needs to be done around here. For some reason, I thought since I was in a clean, crisp, new house there wouldn't be any dust bunnies in the corners of the rooms, or dust on the furniture...or crumbs or what have you. But there is! (of course). So I'm hoping to get the house cleaned and maybe even some unpacking started. Well, it's 8:58. I have to run downstairs and get my uniform our of the dryer, fold it, and then get out of here.

ps: I wish this blogging service had the little thing where you could post your emoticon/musical selection thing like Xanga does. Oh well! For the record, I'm listening to a really good album by Rosie Thomas. It's very melodic and pretty and nice.


At 10:41 AM, Blogger Megan The Great said...

I miss my winter clothes too, don't get too over worked.


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