The Alternative Mellie-Emo

Everyone has a flip-side...

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Too many!

Too many diaries is not a good thing. Trust me. This will make it a whole heck of a lot easier.

Please, follow me here.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

my life's on repeat

I have to go work really soon. I thought writing a nice little entry before I head off would be a good way to end the freedom of staying home. Yesterday was such a long day! Marc had asked me if I could come in a little early since we were so back-logged on testing a certain product they wanted to ship. How about 8:00? Sounded great to me....8-4, a nice little break from these nights of getting home at 6:15, sometimes later. So, yesterday I got out of bed at 6:30, showered up, ate some breakfast, and went to work early, the dew splattered all over the car, the air crisp to the point of needing to wear a sweatshirt.

I didn't mind. I miss my winter clothes.

Work went well; tests were done. At 2, I looked at the clock and thought: "Two more hours! If I was leaving at my normal time, I would still have 3 1/2 hours minimum!" Then i started to wonder...Marc never did tell me if I could leave at 4. So I asked him, and of course it was "why don't you stay til 5:30." Noooo! Of course I didn't say that. Really, what is an extra hour-30 minutes. ($15 extra, that's what!) :-)

So I stayed and washed crucibles and performed some more tests and left red-faced and tired. I went to bed at 9:20, and here I am....already having to go back to work! I can't wait for the weekend.

There is so much that needs to be done around here. For some reason, I thought since I was in a clean, crisp, new house there wouldn't be any dust bunnies in the corners of the rooms, or dust on the furniture...or crumbs or what have you. But there is! (of course). So I'm hoping to get the house cleaned and maybe even some unpacking started. Well, it's 8:58. I have to run downstairs and get my uniform our of the dryer, fold it, and then get out of here.

ps: I wish this blogging service had the little thing where you could post your emoticon/musical selection thing like Xanga does. Oh well! For the record, I'm listening to a really good album by Rosie Thomas. It's very melodic and pretty and nice.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

too many blogs, too little time

I can't write a very long post right now. It's after 7, and we haven't even had dinner yet (I just got home about 30-45 minutes ago). We're having fried egg sandwiches (grandma's style), and I'm in charge of frying them up. It's these lighter kinds of dinners of which I am most fond.

I'm wearing my wild tiger shirt from high school with some grey shorts, feeling as relaxed as ever. The reason being is our shower was finally fixed. I don't know if I've even mentioned it before, but the 1st time we used our brand new shower in our new house, water leaked all over the basement floor. The original plumber wouldn't come over and fix his crappy-ass plumbing job, so it was up to John and I to get ahold of a plumber. Between this town and the town we used to live in (5,000 population, combined?), there are TONS of plumbers...wait. Let me finish. Plumbers that do not return phone calls and/or do not want any business.

Well, we finally got ahold of one yesterday, and he came out this evening and fixed the shower. So I was able to take my first shower in over a month. An occassional bath is nice, don't get me wrong. But day after day after month of baths just causes soap build-up and non-relaxations, FRUSTRATIONS!

So it's off to fry up some eggs!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

new clothes

I just want to go out and buy tons of awesome clothes. every now and again, I'll see a picture or a girl on TV and just want her outfit because it's so...everything I'm looking for but can never find.

Right now, I wish I could go to all the right stores and find every cool outfit I've ever coveted and buy it...for me...and then wear it on a trip...a trip far far old suitcase with old-but-new clothes that I can show off to everyone, but to no one who knows who the hell I even am.

But mostly, just show it off to myself. I'm wearing a brown sweatshirt with stripes and wishing it was fall or winter, but not summer. i love most of my outfits, but I only wear them for 30 minutes a day...cuz I wear a white uniform. I'm not complaining, I'm just going with the stream of my thoughts...were one leads, another follows.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Oh how I want to eat a snacky-cake, but I had three cookies at work! If there was a way to post little music notes, there would be some around my first sentence. That was written in a sing-songy way.

AHHhhh, I need a weekend to get away...I want to go to Utah. I just want to drive there and say "Hi Utah!" and maybe walk to the Target (sick, I know, but it was a big ordeal for me last year), and by the court house and maybe stay the night and eat breakfast somewhere and then drive home. That's what I feel like doing.

You know, i realized something this morning as I was driving to work, blasting "Left and Leaving" in the car...those days seemed SO hard, like the end of the world, like life was so done-for. And, driving to work, I kind of snorted and said, "I wish it was 2000 again and I was going to college listening to this stuff again."

BLAH? wAAAHHH??? If I was physic or something and had been sitting on my bunk bed in my stupid Soulfly-covered dorm-room walls listening to #4 and #7 on repeat (as I did for hours and days and months on end), crying and hitting myself and crying to John on the telephone "WHY DID YOU LEAVE? I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" and dragging my parents to there to talk to me and yell at me and swear at them and make my mom leave and go out to the car and my dad to leave in a hurried tone, if I had envisioned myself driving to work wishing for these days gone by, I would have cracked.

Cracked. I so thought I would have had a better ending for that longer-than-long sentence.

Oh well. I would have been speachless and not have believed a word. But it's true? Maybe? I don't know, now that I actually think about it. Those days might have been worse. Maybe what I'm really longing for is that freedom and youth and chance to re-live the last 5 years again.

Time is going by too quickly for me.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

no work please

I don't want to go to work today! I just want to lay on the couch and watch movies and TV and eat cookies and drink water. All of course, with my best friend. I just don't feel like working today.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

activity, please?!

In Twenty minutes, we were going to meet John's dad over at our old house to do some of the last movings. But we're not going to go anymore. John has a really bad headache. I've been longing to just sit at home and act normal, baking things and watching movies, sitting in the sun and watching it set as the street lamps light up, in unison.

But something about that seems so wrong. It feels like I should be getting up, going somewhere, doing stuff, shopping, walking, talking...

I bought more curtains today. They are an off-white linin color. Now I really want to paint the room. It's just TOO white now. I love blue curtains, but our bathroom and this room have the same color blue, our bedroom has a lighter blue, and another room with blue curtains would be...

...too blue!

I think I shall paint the walls blue instead!


It's hard, being in the middle of a move like this. I really want to bake some cookies. I wanted to make some several weeks, when my parents were here, and now, ever since then, at work, I dream about punching out and then coming home and baking glorious cookies. However, when I do get home, I am always to tired to do so.

Too many weeks have passed without cookies.

And now I can't even find any of my cook books. I decided to come online to find a recipe, but I can't find THE ONE.

Today has been good. I got most of that stuff put away. I bought AWESOME CDs last night! I listened to them in the Xbox as I cleaned this a.m.

M. Ward


Cat Power's debut album.

WOOO-HOO emo and indie and avantgarde!

Mellie's favorite stuff. Lately, we buy two or three CDs and two of them end up not meeting expectations. Our buys last night made up for all of those.

I love getting up early. Please help me to get up early on Monday. I hate getting up at 8:00, rushing to leave the house by 9:00 and punching in at 9:30. I need to start getting up at 6 or so; that way it will feel like I have so much more Day.

Back to the recipe hunt!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Going Out

I'm so excited! I got home from work at 6:30, and John was there at the door to greet me. "Mick-Mick, do you want to go to a movie tonite?" How about dinner?"

Would I? Would I?! Yes yes yes, a thousand times YES!

I'll all showered up and ready to go. This week at work has definately been a toughy. I think it's probably because instead of looking and doing monkey-see-monkey-do-monkey-remember stuff, I've been running things all by myself. And weighing up and staying late...and dragging on the floor because we are STILL moving!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

away with the wind

Right now I'm supposed to be doing the dishes and laundry, dusting and vacuuming, and baking cookies. I tell myself these things. My husband tells me, as well. I work so hard and can only go so far, and the things most important to me, do not get done. I wish I could reverse it, but that would make me even more miserable. Wait. I'm not miserable. I'm just tired and in need of getting away.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

it might not be

I just searched "aqua regia" and the web pages didn't really say anything about it being a carcinogen, so don't quote me! I would like to think that it isn't!


I don't like dealing with aqua regia. someone told me it can cause cancer, and to me, that just sounds like something I don't want to even be in the same building with. I mean, each time I pour that clear white-yellow liquid into a beaker, with my heavy duty rubber gloves, I see the grandma I had only known for the first five years of my life. I see the empty look in my mother's face on Mother's Day, when she thinks of the mother she no longer has. I see the wooden step my dad had made for my grandma to use, so that she could climb into the pick up truck when my dad used to bring her to her doctor appointments. I hear her familiar voice and see red pop and hershey bars and the dark room of the bar my grandparents used to own. I see pictures of North Dakota and hear the Zamphir (sp) song my mom used to play. She told me that song had been playing when Grandma told her she was dying of cancer.

I really hate dealing with aqua regia. I think of all of the people plaqued with cancer, and I see their murderer right before me, in a tiny ceramic cup.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Kittens, O Kittens, kittens Galore!

How do you like my new, original template? I designed it over many blood, sweat, and tears. Just kidding. I really didn't design it. Ha! (Suddenly, I don't think I fooled anyone).

The very cool thing about letters and words is that you can arrange them into any sort of order you want. For example: xavbrark!! het aboooo mantq provbergial! Secondly, the cow climbs to a height of sixteen apples.

Even though it doesn't make ANY sense, I have the freedom and creativity to do whatever the hell I want, for free!

I am loooving the new house. Oh MY GOD! Earlier this week, we "bought" a rug for the study. It is blue and stripy and from Target. We bought blue tab curtains for the room, to match, and I am sitting in here, alone, dark brown hardwoods reflecting sun from the room across the hall. It's blue in this room, and very clean and I just can't believe I live here. I said that about my other house, too, but it's very awesome!

We went out to the farmhouse earlier on this afternoon. This time, two of the other kittens were out there, but Cub was not. Last year when Smoke-Stack had kittens, they all disappeared for a day or so. One evening, we saw them coming out of the woods in a little line. I am assuming Smokey had been teaching them their hunting survivial cat-crap. :) So that's probably where Cub was at, since the other two had been missing last night.

Well, now I want ALL of them. I want one, but then I want two for a playmate, but then there's just one left (more than likely the little white one). :( And I feel bad for her. How could I take two and not the last one? How can I take just one? How can I not take any? I'm so confused. I really don't want three cats living here. But oh boo-hoo. This is a tough situation.

Nothing to do

There's nothing to do on Blogger!
I'm at a loss for words!
Not really, 'cuz I'm so out of practice...
I guess I should go out and steal some birds!

How did you like my little song? It's Saturday, and I'm so so so so so happy! Even though it was a short week (I had Monday off), it was the most stressful week EVER! But I did it, and it's over! This weekend isn't going to be all fun and games, though. We STILL have moving to do. Although we are actually residing in our new house, we still have to get our stuff the hell out of our old one.

We still have to bring Sammie here, too.

Since all of my talk is the same old thing, i'll talk about something new. Smokey had a new litter of kittens, about a month ago. There are three of them, and they are as healthy as can be. One is solid black, one is white with grey ears, and one is black with big brown splotches. I want ALL of them, but yet I don't want them terrorizing the house. But I don't want to leave them out there, too. The new owner's daughter says she'll take care of them, and, up until last night I was okay with that.

But then John called me out from our old kitchen. A little black kitty was RUNNING around the driveway, following Smokey, mewing happily. It was pretty dark outside, but the lights from the house lit up the driveway just enough to see the little black kitten. When I picked him up, I looked into his beaty-round eyes. "You look like a little bear," I told him. And that's when his name was born: Cub.

I want Cub! I want Cub SOOO badly! But then what about the little brown one and the white one? How can I just take one? The brown and black one was always my favorite, but Cub was SO adorable last night! Awww!

Sunday, July 03, 2005


Last weekend and this weekend have been spent with my parents. Last weekend, they came to see us, and this weekend, we piled into the Subaru and came up north to see them! We have to leave tomorrow already, so I thought I'd share some of the pictures I have been taking.

I'll start with pictures from Minnesota. My camera was acting goofy, so I just picked out a few to post.

Nature's beauty is frequently found in the shade (especially since it got near 100 degrees that weekend!)

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My parents stayed cool with some cold, refreshing drinks. We had gone to see John's band perform at a historical site. It ended in heat stroke and "School of Rock!"

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Yesterday, my mom, John, aunt, and I all went out to Lake Superior. If there is one thing lacking in Minnesota, well, in the southern part of Minnesota, it is a Lake Superior. I grew up close to the lake, and it is one of the things I miss the most about this area. We were greeted first by a spindly little friend:

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I was really happy to be so close to the water, to the beach:

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Me jumping with excitement.

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Me: note the new glasses!

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John and I sat on a picnic table (romantically) while we waited for my mom and aunt to use the restroom. We had wanted to get married out at this park, but during that year, the park was closed due to construction.

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There is a gift shop near the harbor. It is so neat because you can go out on the roof of this concession and look over across the harbor, down the river, and out across the widespread Great lake.

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The shadows of the lookers.

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Fields of blue, versus fields of green.

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We took a walk down the docks and then headed over to the beach. Even though this beach is one of the sandiest of this area, it really does have its share of rocks and agates.

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John's toes and the endless waters.

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crystal clear. I was out just about to my knees, but yet my foot was this visable.

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I am home.

if wishes were horses...

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In early June, these things were all over in the yard. For as often as they are regarded as weeds, I try to look at them as chances at dreams coming true.

Work Shoe

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These are the new shoes I got for work. I have to leave them in my locker; I can't bring them home. If I wear them outside to pick up samples from the other lab, I have to walk thru a sanatizing (sp) wash.

I feel as if I have been away for so long. I come back to write a post or something, and it feels as if I don't even belong here. I don't like this feeling! It's like the opposite of the way I was feeling before I got the job. I felt like I spent too much time here (internet-wide), and now I feel as if I can't spend quite enough. I guess I'll have to make the time!

My parents came to visit us last weekend. We sure had a great time! Such a great time, in fact, that I decided to come to their house over the 4th of July weekend. I got Monday off, so why not! I'm not sure when the next time would be, so I decided to take advantage.

I'm trying to get some pictures from my camera, but for some reason, it hasn't bene liking certain computers, only the emachine, which is broken. Not very nice. It is for that reason I hate digital cameras.

On Tuesday, there's a new person starting at work, and from thereon to the end of the week, I am being put to the test to see if I can carry out a testing from start to finish all by my lonesome.

Come on, camera, work!